Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My little princess

Maybe many of u readers didn’t know that Nurin was prematured baby. ( I should blog about this, draf dah ada, tapi tak sompek je mengarang, kalau ada mood, nanti la aku karang dan post the entry k?). Due to this , banyak la kesan sampingannya pada Nurin. Salah satu masalah premature baby nih, their lungs not fully develop ( or not fully function i think?) and it will cause another matters like selsema and batuk.

And for your information, sejak usia 2 bulan sehingga la setahun 6 bulan, tiap-tiap bulan kitaorang jumpa doctor sebab Nurin batuk dan selsema. Nurin tak tahan dengan sejuk, tapi kalau tak pasang kipas dia menangis kepanasan pulak. Normally aku akan pasang kipas tapi pakaikan stoking dan stoking Nurin banyak sangat sebab sampai umur setahun pun dia masih pakai stoking walaupun kat rumah! Walau pun selalu batuk dan selsema, tapi Nurin jarang demam, Alhamdulillah, sebab pada aku, baby kalau demam lagi menakutkan, takut terbawa-bawa ke sawan pulak.

So, masa Nurin beberapa hari Nurin lahir, aku ada ternampak something terbonjol kat perut dia, atas pusat dia, kecik je, itu pun tak clearly nampak, when she’s crying or coughing je baru nampak. Aku penah tanya ngan nurse. But she said nothing serious.

Until one day, babysitter Nurin called aku, kata perut Nurin cam membengkak dan bonjolan tu la nampak ketara. Kebetulan masa tu Nurin memang dah seminggu batuk. Masa tu aku kat lab, immediately aku pegi rumah babysitter tu untuk tenguk Nurin.

Aku called hubby, kitaorang terus pegi klinik after that. Bila doctor periksa, nasib baik Nurin tak demam, cuma batuk dia bertambah teruk. Oleh kerana dia batuk dan ada tekanan pada abdomen, jadi bonjolan tu nampak lebih ketara. Both of us terus tanya doctor apa yg terbonjol tu sebenarnya and what she said make us even worried. She said maybe Nurin got ‘hernia’ / ‘gastro hernia’ (aku lupa nama sebenarnya apa and I will update later) and she made a referral letter to specialist.

Petang tu aku dah menangis bila mengenangkan nasib Nurin. Dalam banyak-banyak dugaan, kenapa la Tuhan duga aku macam ni, kalau la bole ditukar sakit tu dengan aku, berkali-kali aku rela asalkan Nurin sihat. Kitaorang dah takleh nak pikir banyak masa tu. Parents plak takde nak berbincang and that made us balik JB afterwards. Nurin pulak, doctor bagi a little high dose of ubat batuk that made her sleep all the way to JB dan aku rasa perjalanan ke JB tu, perjalanan yg paling pantas setakat ni, nasib baik tak kena saman!

Bila sampai JB, Nurin nampak ok sikit tapi keesokkan harinya kitaorang pegi juga Puteri Specialist to get the paediatrician’s opinion. And from what we heard make our heart remuk redam because the paediatrician said Nurin has to undergo a surgery. But, korang sendiri la, apa yg korang rasa walau pun minor surgery, tetap surgery kan? Dan Nurin masa tu baru setahun setengah! What a poor little girl. For us,InsyaAllah, duit tak menjadi masalah sebab bole dicari, but my baby, my little baby nak kena bedah..oooo..i cant imagine!!

Balik dari JB, we searched for second opinion. Dr S said, even this ‘hernia’ very rare in babies, he told us not worry too much and send us to HUKM for further examination and this is why we went to HUKM yesterday for follow up appointment.

Kat HUKM, the specialist and my friend, Dr F told me, what happened to Nurin was due to her premature delivery. Sebab lahir sebelum tiba masanya, (Nurin only 34 weeks old in at that time) ada muscle abdomen yang tak properly develop and it caused a hole. What happen is, bila ada tekanan pada abdomen dia dengan sebab batuk, ketawa atau bersin, usus akan terkeluar melalui lubang tu. As the specialist told us, as long as the usus bole masuk balik, everything will be ok, unless when the usus got block that will cause a problem. Usus akan block dan bole jadi gangren. And the specialist also said, normally it will naturally heal by the age 2 to 3 years or more.

Tapi semalam, dr kata the hole still there even bonjol tu dah tak berapa nampak sgt, and he give another 6 month observation, if nothing changes maybe Nurin will undergo the surgery and that is not a good option. Surgery tu terpaksa dibuat sebab bila Nurin semakin besar dan muscle tu tak joint gak, takut-takut la the usus will get block.

Here, in my blog, I need your prayers my friends. Doa yang muscle tu akan bercantum, doa yang usus will not get block, doa that Nurin will not to undergo the surgery and doa that both of us, hubby and I will be strong enough to face and get through this.


At Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:47:00 PM , Blogger Xura'Z Craft said...

kesian nurin. insya-allah nurin tak ape2. doa byk2... ade hikmah di sebalik setiap dugaan. b strong.

At Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:42:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

be strong, support her, support each other..jgn putus2 berdoa .. Semoga Nurin okay sentiasa dan happy selalu..

At Tuesday, September 27, 2005 5:40:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

xura & fara : thanks, im always be +ve thats why i never mention about this before

At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:10:00 AM , Blogger mommamia said...

noha and hubby, b strong, nurin needs your support all the way..happy aku sbb ko seek for 2nd opinion, kes2 camni kena pegi 2-3 org doctor, kwn aku ada experience pegi private then operate tp end-up sakit gak, so 2-3 kepala better than one, papehal aku doakan kesejahteraan nurin..

At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:29:00 AM , Blogger noha chomel said...

sany : thanks!! insyaAllah, selagi mampu dan terdaya kitaorg akan terus cari penawarnya dan tak henti2 berdoa

mar : normally aku ngan hubby mmg akan pegi 2,3 doktor sebelum buat apa2 keputusan, mmg kita nak the best, tapi ko tahu la, private ni selalunya nak duit kita jek,

rezeki kitaorg agaknya, ada sorang dr tu, kitaorg selalu pegi klinik dia, kadang2 tu just utk berbincang je, normally makan sejam gak le..tapi at the end, tak bayar apa2 pun!

At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:41:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

julia : sebab Nurin tak decide lagi nak operate, jadi aku just buat routine check up, harap2 takyah la operate..in case kalau kena operate, baru aku cari the best dr

btw, fida kat situ, maybe dia bley guide aku..

At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 2:33:00 PM , Blogger Queen Of The House said...

Noha ..... Nurin punya condition tu, is it inguinal hernia? I have read about it (memang suka baca info2 medical ni) and I think the doctors nowadays can do wonders. Jangan risau sangatlah. Mudah-mudahan akan terubat. Sebelum I buka cerita panjang, I'll just shorten my story. When my baby was 3 days old, the doctors at HUKM operated on her. Bukan hernia tapi her usus was tersumbat. Tak boleh makan & minum. Imagine a tiny 3 day old baby, with other serious conditions as well, yet the doctors were able to carry out the complicated surgery. You have to have faith, insyaallah everything will turn out alright.

At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 2:50:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

QOTH : i cant remember la kak since dia punya appointment 6 bulan sekali. tengah confirm balik dgn my fren kat sana.

actually, i always +ve, Nurin pun membesar dengan 'sihat', dah jarang sakit and thats why i harap she will heal naturally.

in my case, saya masih bernasib baik, ada org tu lebih teruk dari ini kan? dan semua ni buat saya lebih bersyukur, Alhamdulillah

At Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:06:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi ailin, tq for drop by..:)

ailin, Nurin dulu terpaksa dilahirkan sebab air ketuban dah pecah. Alhamdulillah, keluar tu sihat, cuma kena amik antibiotik sebab dah ada jangkitan, pastu duduk kat nursery lama

i tak dpt breastfeed, maybe dah lama sgt kat nursery + i stressed. selepas setahun setengah baru la nurin gained her immunity and slowly membesar dgn sihat. skang pun batuk2 gak tapi jarang la, tak selalu..

At Friday, September 30, 2005 1:00:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sayu baca entry nieh... sejak dah ada anak nieh, baca pasal anak2 mesti sedih giler. Will pray for both li'l nurin and ur family.

err ailin, I pun pernah kena inject steroid... aduh sakitnya... mujurlah my baby bertahan sampai ngam 37 weeks. sekarang dah 5-yr-old, tapi badan halus taknak besar besar.. takapalah, asal sihat..

At Friday, September 30, 2005 5:24:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

rojakbuah & ruslaa : thanks for the doas, harap2 takyah la operate..takleh imagine la...iiskk...

At Thursday, April 26, 2007 10:41:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » » »


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